Omnitrend PageMaster v4.0.0.33
Size: 11.66 MBPageMaster is a Windows application that sends text messages to cellphones, alphanumeric pagers, numeric pagers, and any other devices capable of receiving text and SMS messages.
PageMaster is designed to fulfill different roles depending on your requirements. In its most basic mode, PageMaster can operate as a stand-alone text messaging terminal. A database of devices (i.e. Pager, Cellphone, Blackberry) is created, and messages are set to those devices using PageMaster's internal Text Messaging Engine.
Starting from its basic mode, PageMaster can be installed on multiple computers, each containing its own database of devices, or the database may be centrally located on a network share and provide a common device list. Each computer can then send text messages through its own internal Text Messaging Engine.
With the use of Omnitrend's PageMaster/sv Text Messaging Server, each PageMaster installation can be configured to transmit page requests to a central point. The PageMaster/sv server will then orchestrate the transmission of messages from its Text Messaging Engine. PageMaster/sv will batch messages for service providers and transmit them in the most efficient manner for optimum throughput. This also provides the benefit of centralizing the logging of sent messages. PageMaster can also be configured to transmit text messages to a PageMaster/ex Text Messaging Connector for Microsoft Exchange Server. In this mode, PageMaster provides the following benefits over the normal message processing provided by PageMaster/ex:
:: The PageMaster client can be employed on machines that do not have an email client (i.e. Outlook) installed and connected to Exchange Server. PageMaster routes its messages to PageMaster/ex through a DCOM interface, external to mail handling, so a mail client is unnecessary. The device list is read directly from Active Directory, so no separate device database need be maintained for PageMaster clients.
:: The PageMaster client can provide backup paging capability in the event of an Exchange or network outage. Automatic fallback from a primary PageMaster/ex connection will reroute messaging first to any stand-alone PageMaster/sv servers, then ultimately to the client's own internal Text Messaging Engine.
:: The PageMaster client provides additional messaging options not available when messaging through a mail clients. This includes pre-define (or "canned") messages that can be sent quickly using a hotkey combination, scheduled and automatically recurring messages, and many formatting options for message content.
These client-server architectures are scalable and can process the needs of small organizations requiring only a modest messaging volume, up to an entire Enterprise processing tens of thousands of messages per day.
No matter which mode is utilized, PageMaster supports all standardized text messaging protocols, including TAP, SNPP, WCTP, SMPP, SMTP, and DTMF.
The PageMaster client can also provide an avenue through which another application (such as Visual Basic or Microsoft Access) may send text messages. These include:
:: DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)
:: Command Line Interface
DDE Support
PageMaster can be directed to send text messages through Windows DDE commands. Windows DDE allows Windows programs to communicate with one another. With DDE, other programs (such as Visual Basic or Microsoft Access) can send test message to pagers and cell phones.
Pre-Defined Messages
PageMaster allows you to type in frequently used messages and save them under keywords. These messages may then be used without the need for retyping each time the message needs to be sent.
Scheduled Text Messaging
PageMaster allows text messages to be scheduled for delivery at a future date and time. These scheduled messages may also be set to automatically regenerate at a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. You could, for example, define a message to be sent every Friday at 1:45 to remind you of a weekly 2:00 meeting.
Modem Requirements
PageMaster requires one Hayes-compatible 2400 baud or faster modem for operation if using the TAP or DTMF protocols.
System Requirements
Processor : Intel 32-bit
Operating System : Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 2003 Server
Internet Connectivity : A WinSock-compatible Internet connection is required for the SNPP, SMPP, SMTP, and WCTP protocols
Modem : Hayes-compatible 2400 baud or faster is required if using the TAP or DTMF protocols)
Network : Supports any network topology. Allows sharing of device, group, and service provider databases. Allows sending text messages from a central server through PageMaster/sv or PageMaster/ex)
Number of Devices : Unlimited, with full search capability
Grouping : Devices may be grouped with no limitations on the number of groups that may be defined. Devices may be assigned to multiple groups
Device Types : Alphanumeric Pagers (1 and 2-Way), Cellular Phones (SMS 1 and 2-Way), Numeric Pagers
Additional Fields : Three user-defined data fields maintained for each device
Message Handing
Batch Sending : Alphanumeric messages sent to devices sharing a common access method are issued in a single session
Message Length : Unlimited. Messages are automatically split and delivered to a device in separate messages according to a maximum message length (user definable)
Error Correction : Full error detection and recovery on all protocols. Includes dial-tone detection and busy signal redial for TAP
Confirmation : If desired, a confirmation dialog box will be displayed once the message is transmitted successfully
Error Notification : If an error is encountered sending a message, an failure dialog box will be displayed. Full error details are logged in the application event log
Backup Protocols : Multiple protocols may be specified for each service provider. Automatic fallback to alternate protocols upon failure
Logging: All text messages sent and failed are logged. Log files are user configurable as to content and organization.
Messaging Methods
Manual : Text messages entered and issued manually
DDE : Text messages issued from applications via DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) commands
Command Line : Text messages issued by providing, on the command line, a name of a file that contains device names and messages
Scheduled : Text messages may be scheduled for delivery at a specific date and time
Additional Features
Logging : All text messages sent and failed are logged. Log files are user configurable as to content and organization.
Import/Export : Device database may be imported from or exported to text files in comma-delimited format.