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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Apress Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns

Apress Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns
(With source code and example files)

2007 - 527 Pages - PDF - 13.31 MB

This is a solutions book for styling HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1 with CSS 2.1. It contains more than 350 design patterns you can put to use right away. Each design pattern is modular and customizable, and you can combine patterns to create an unlimited number of designs. Each design pattern has been thoroughly tested and proven to work in all major web browsers including Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 2, Opera 9, and Safari 2.
All the content in this book is usable and practical. You won’t waste time reading about things that don’t work! With this book, you will no longer have to use hacks, tricks, endless testing, and constant tweaking in multiple browsers to get something to work.

Using a design pattern is as easy as copying and pasting it into your code and tweaking a few values. This book shows you which values you can modify and how they affect the result so you can create the exact style and layout you want—without worrying whether it will work.
This is more than a cookbook. It systematically covers every usable feature of CSS and combines these features with HTML to create reusable patterns. Each pattern has an intuitive name to make it easy to find, remember, and talk about. Accessibility and best practices are carefully engineered into each design pattern, example, and source code.

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