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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Google Web Toolkit Applications

"Google Web Toolkit Applications"
Dec. 2007 - PDF - 608 pages - 5.45 MB
In this valuable book, insider Ryan Dewsbury provides instructions for using the robust tool set and gets you on your way to creating first-class web applications by providing a comprehensive overview of GWT technology. In addition, he shares his “in-the-trenches” insights on
:: Building elegant and responsive user interfaces with Cascading Style Sheets and GWT’s Widgets and Panels
:: Creating seamless user experiences through asynchronous communication with HTTP, REST, JSON/JSONP, and RPC
:: Interoperating with web standards–such as XML, RSS, and Atom–and web services–such as Google Maps, Amazon Books, Yahoo! Search, Flickr, and Blogger.
:: Overcoming browser security restrictions, such as HTTP’s two-connection limit and the Same-Origin policy
:: Accelerating development, using software engineering, code generation, internationalization, application patterns, and Java tools
:: Deploying for optimal performance with resource compression and caching
:: Building five non-trivial applications: a gadget application with a rich drag-and-drop interface, a multi-search application that makes requests to many search engines, a blog editor application for managing entries across multiple blogs, a web-based instant messenger, and a database manager for a traditional web page
:: This practical guide to GWT introduces you to the technology; provides techniques, tips, and examples; and puts you on the road to delivering top-notch user experiences for your web applications.

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